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A5HF1-0016-U1 oil pump A5HF1 Transmission
oil pump AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and oe U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans RE:rebuild
A5HF1-0015-AM Filter AT transmission 5 Speed apply to Kia H yundai
AM Filter AT transmission 5 Speed apply to Kia H yundai AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and oe U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans RE:rebuild
KMF5A.DRU12 A5HF1 A5HF1 BRAKE DRUM ASSY 32 TEETH Hyun dai / Kia A5HF1 (F5A51) FWD 5 Speed 2006-Up
brake drum assy 32teeth AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and oe U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
A5HF1-0002-U1 SANTA FE A5HF1 ANGLE GEAR WITH PLANET U1 Hyu ndai / Kia A5HF1 (F5A51) FWD 5 Speed 2006-Up
angle gear with planet AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and oe U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
A5HF1-0003-U1 Santa Fe A5HF1 UNDERDRIVE CLUTCH underdrive clutch assyU1
underdrive clutch assy AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and oe U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
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