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5T0-0014-OEM 5T0 Valve Body With Start-stop 27000-5T0-63C
Valve Body AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and OE U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
5T0-0013-OEM 5T0 Valve Body Without Start-stop 27000-5T0-63B
Valve Body AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and OE U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
5T0-0012-OEM Valve Body With Start And Stop Function OEM 27000-5T0-045 New And Oe
Valve Body with start and stop function 27000-5T0-045 AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and OE U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
5T0-0011-AM Inner Filter 25420-5T0-003 Automatic Transmission For GK5
Inner Filter 25420-5T0-003 AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and OE U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
5T0-0010-OEM NTN HL-8E-NK44X67X15PX1 Gear Box Bearing / Needle Roller Bearing 44*67*15mm
BEARING HL-8E-NK44X67X15PX1 SIZE: 44*67*15mm WEIGHT:0.22KGS AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and OE U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
5T0-0009-OEM NSK B40-199 Deep Groove Ball Bearing 40x75x16mm fit for 5T0 and K410
bearing NSK B40-199 size: 40x75x16mm weight : 0.45KGS AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and OE U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
5T0-0008-OEM NSK B35-236 / HTF B35-236 / B35-236HTF Auto Car Deep Groove Ball Bearing 35*95*19.5mm
BEARING NSK B35-236 SIZE: 35*95*19.5mm WEIGHT : 0.5KGS AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and OE U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
5T0-0007-OEM 5T0 CVT Automatic Transmission bearing NSK B29-18 29*69*10MM
BEARING NSK B29-18 SIZE: 29*69*10MM WEIGHT : 0.33KGS AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and OE U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
5T0-0006-OEM CR08B75 Automobile Bearing / Gear Box Bearing 40x65x15.5mm OEM 91107-5T0-003
BEARING CR08B75 OEM 91107-5T0-003 SIZE: 40x65x15.5mm WEIGHT : 0.3KGS AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and OE U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
5T0-0005-OEM EC0.1 CR08B76 / ECO.1 CR08B76 Automotive Gear Box Bearing 40x68x16mm OEM 91104-5T0-003
bearing CR08B76 OEM 91104-5T0-003 SIZE: 40x68x16mm WEIGHT : 0.3KGS AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and OE U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
5T0-0004-OEM 5T0 CVT Automatic Transmission bearing NTN CR05A92 OEM 91103-5T0-003
bearing NTN CR05A92 OEM 91103-5T0-003 SIZE: 24x52x15/20mm WEIGHT : 0.25KGS AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and OE U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
5T0-0003-OEM 5T0 CVT Automatic Transmission bearing NTN CR05A93 OEM 91102-5T0-003
bearing CR05A93 OEM 91102-5T0-003 SIZE: 25x51x17/21mm WEIGHT : 0.25KGS AM: aftermarket good quality OEM: new and OE U1: used and inspected TE: tested on the car or facility FN: from new trans
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